Ultrasound Guidance for Safe Brazilian Butt Lifts: Precision BBL Techniques from the Expert

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In this 1-hour webinar, learn how easy it is to add handheld ultrasound to your plastic surgery practice to reduce the dangers of blind gluteal fat grafting procedures. Dr. Pazmiño shares proven ultrasound-guided techniques for making BBLs more accurate, reproducible, and safer. We explore:

  • Handheld ultrasound techniques for high-definition imaging of fat and muscle
  • Performing ultrasound-guided TAP blocks to reduce patient pain and speed recovery
  • How to visualize your canula in the subcutaneous compartment
  • How to accurately pinpoint where every drop of fat is injected to maximize results
  • Ultrasound tips for post-op monitoring, as well as identifying and aspirating seromas
Webinar Slides

Clarius Classroom Case Studies with Dr. Hirahara

Ultrasound Guided BBL Procedure

Implant Rupture

Ultrasound Protocol Breast Implants

L15 Plastic Surgery Breast Ultrasound Handheld Clarius

Superior Imaging You Can Trust

Ultra-portable, Clarius ultrasound scanners deliver the power and image quality of traditional systems for a small fraction of the cost.

Specialized workflows and dedicated plastic surgery presets.

Fast and clear imaging with automated AI optimization deliver best-in-class image quality.

Ideal for small spaces, Clarius HD fits in your pocket.

Without cords to get in the way, cleaning and disinfection are simple and fast.

Pairs instantly with most current Android and Apple smart phones and tablets.

Free cloud storage for unlimited users.

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