I think it’s an exciting time for surgeons to give them a tool that will help prove that they performed the procedure safely and the same tool can make them an efficient and better sculptor.
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⚠️ Clarius ultrasound is for medical professionals only.
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Portable Ultrasound Machine
Carry one scanner in your pocket with your smartphone to see detailed ultrasound images of deep structures and superficial anatomy.
In particular, the Cloud has been the game changer for me from an ultrasound education perspective—the auto-upload and ability for annotation and feedback.
Barry Chan
, MD
A lot of really, really good surgeons don’t think they need to use ultrasound, but I’ve learned that it’s a tool that all of us could use to do a better job.
Dr. Alan Hirahara
The course participants were able to put their new skill set to work immediately to diagnose and rule out internal injuries that would not have been possible to visualize in a timely manner without portable ultrasound.
Dr. James Edward
I’m impressed with the image quality and I think it’s very reasonably priced for all its features.
Ilka Wagner
The portability, ease of use, and ease of sending images/video loops for referral is simply incredible to have in conditions like these.
Izzy Hirji
, Resident Veterinarian
iOS & Android
14-Day Risk Free Return
3-year warranty
Erfahren Sie, warum Kliniker und Patienten das Clarius HD3 – Erlebnis lieben!
Talk to An Expert
With 7 scanners and specialized presets and workflows, we have a wireless ultrasound solution that’s perfect for you. Talk to our experts to learn which scanner can deliver the best ultrasound imaging for your practice.
⚠️ Clarius ultrasound is for medical professionals only.