Procedures are faster and I can focus on the patient instead of being distracted by mechanical adjustments to the settings on my device.
⚠️ Clarius ultrasound is for medical professionals only.
Mit der Angabe meiner E-Mail-Adresse erkläre ich mich damit einverstanden, Einladungen zu Clarius-Webinaren, Fallstudien, Whitepapers und mehr zu erhalten, und ich stimme den Clarius-Datenschutzbestimmungen zu. Ich kann mich jederzeit wieder abmelden.
Procedures are faster and I can focus on the patient instead of being distracted by mechanical adjustments to the settings on my device.
Image quality lends itself to improve confidence at the point-of-care and enables the technology to spread into wider realms and empower novice users.
The thing that I most appreciate about the Clarius L20 ultrasound is that it is highly portable, which is absolutely important for plastic surgeons.
Clarius is the ideal base system for our research engineers, as it is very easy to use and provides excellent image quality.
And as the first Clarius-users for EMS in Germany, we have hundreds of rescue missions with a brilliant ultrasound on board.
I’m loving the Clarius! And so are the patients whom I usually use to hold the iPad while I scan them.
Procedures are faster and I can focus on the patient instead of being distracted by mechanical adjustments to the settings on my device.
Image quality lends itself to improve confidence at the point-of-care and enables the technology to spread into wider realms and empower novice users.
The thing that I most appreciate about the Clarius L20 ultrasound is that it is highly portable, which is absolutely important for plastic surgeons.
Clarius is the ideal base system for our research engineers, as it is very easy to use and provides excellent image quality.
And as the first Clarius-users for EMS in Germany, we have hundreds of rescue missions with a brilliant ultrasound on board.
I’m loving the Clarius! And so are the patients whom I usually use to hold the iPad while I scan them.
The future of smart devices is portless. Clarius HD now features the latest antenna technology for the most reliable direct WIFI connection to your mobile iOS or Android devices – no ports, no cables. Untethered, you have absolute freedom to scan everywhere.
With 7 scanners and specialized presets and workflows, we have a wireless ultrasound solution that’s perfect for you. Talk to our experts to learn which scanner can deliver the best ultrasound imaging for your practice.
⚠️ Clarius ultrasound is for medical professionals only.