[VIDEO] Patient Perspective: Benefits of Ultrasound-Guided Injections for Managing 24/7 Pain

When Gerard Rousseau’s oncologist ran out of options for prescribing medication to control his pain, he turned to Dr. David Rosenblum, MD. 

The oncologist was giving me my pain medicine in the beginning. But because of this opioid crisis, they changed the laws in New York state and I was in the position to where I had to come see a pain management doctor,” Gerard explains. 

Due to a combination of chronic arthritis and a rare form of leukemia, Gerard suffers from pain 24/7. He and his wife credit Dr. Rosenblum’s ultrasound-guided injections to his back, shoulder, and hip for being able to work at his plumbing and drain cleaning business.  

We come once a week for the series of three injections,” says Gerard’s wife Elena Russo. “I get to see what goes on on the screen because I’m sitting there, where doctor is looking, so I see. The equipment here, this procedure is phenomenal. He gets to see the muscles, the nerves, every joint. He knows the precision of where to put the needle in. The voice activation is amazing. Modern technology, I get to enjoy it.” 

Watch this 2-minute video to hear why Gerard and Elena say Dr. Rosenblum “is a godsend”. 

Dr. David Rosenblum is an interventional pain management specialist and dual board-certified in anesthesia and pain medicine. A leader in interventional pain management and regional anesthesiology, Dr. Rosenblum has developed protocols and policies to improve patient safety. His particular interests include regional anesthesia (using local anesthetics to block pain) and ultrasound-guided nerve blocks. He has a strong online presence hosting multiple podcasts, including The PainExam, AnesthesiaExam, and PMRExam. 

Clarius Ultrasound for Safe and Precise Pain Procedures 

Dr. Rosenblum uses Clarius wireless handheld ultrasound at his clinic in New York. With 8 times the processing power of most handheld ultrasound systems, Clarius HD3 provides sharp and clear imaging of tiny nerves and surrounding anatomy to perform injections with confidence. Visit our Pain Management specialty page to learn more. A Clarius expert is available to provide a custom virtual demonstration. Contact us to schedule a demo at your convenience.  

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Mit 7 Scannern und speziellen Voreinstellungen und Arbeitsabläufen haben wir eine kabellose Ultraschalllösung, die perfekt auf Ihre Anforderungen zugeschnitten ist . Sprechen Sie mit unseren Experten, um zu erfahren, welcher Scanner die besten Ultraschallbilder für ihre Praxis liefern kann.