With the new L7 and the latest software I have had nothing but great success. I beat these units up and they are great.
Handheld Ultrasound for Emergency Medical Services
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⚠️ Clarius ultrasound is for medical professionals only.
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Auto Preset™ AI
Auto Preset™ AI allows clinicians to quickly examine the abdomen, heart, lungs, bladder, and other superficial structures. Using AI, the Clarius App automatically recognizes different structures in the human torso and adjusts the scanner’s settings and parameters to give you the clearest image.
As an emergency medicine physician in the United States I have found its image quality and functionality meets all of our highest standards there.
William Housworth
And as the first Clarius-users for EMS in Germany, we have hundreds of rescue missions with a brilliant ultrasound on board.
Thomas Plappert
, MD
I have found its image quality and functionality meets all of our highest standards there.
William Housworth
It’s durable, it’s portable and it’s really user friendly.
Miles Randall
, President and Founder of TEAAM
The scanner definitely has the best image quality I’ve seen for such a portable device.
Matthew Riscinti
, MD
Imaging You Can Trust for Specialized Patient Care
iOS & Android
14-Day Risk Free Return
3-year warranty
Talk to An Expert
With 7 scanners and specialized presets and workflows, we have a wireless ultrasound solution that’s perfect for you. Talk to our experts to learn which scanner can deliver the best ultrasound imaging for your practice.
⚠️ Clarius ultrasound is for medical professionals only.