Improve frontline healthcare delivery and efficiency with high-resolution ultrasound

Add Clarius to your toolkit to help solve existing problems in nursing practice and guide bedside decision-making

Talk to An Expert

⚠️ Clarius ultrasound is for medical professionals only.

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High-Definition Imaging
Wireless Freedom
AI Powered for Ease-of-Use

Take Clarius anywhere to optimize care in any clinical setting

Point-of-care ultrasound empowers nurses, contributes to clinical decision making and problem solving in hospital and clinic settings.

Easy to use

Wireless and app-based, Clarius delivers the detail you need to make informed decisions fast.  Artificial Intelligence optimizes imaging in each application for high-definition and imaging performance of traditional ultrasound systems.

  • Visualize target vessels and the tip of the catheter in real-time to increase success rate of PICC and peripheral line placement
  • Evaluate the lungs in your dyspneic patient
  • Quickly assess your patient’s hemodynamic status
  • Help guide bedside decision-making when caring for the critically ill
  • Confirm fetal and placental position and confirm heart rate in pregnant patients
  • Image the urinary bladder prior to catheter placement
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High Definition

Artificial intelligence, 8 beamformers and 192 piezeoelectric elements deliver best-in-class imaging.

Cloud Storage

Manage your exams and build reports anywhere, anytime with unlimited Clarius Cloud storage.


Steadfast connection. Total freedom. Without cords, cleaning and disinfection are simple and fast.

Easy To Use

Friendly AI-powered app for your Apple or Android automatically delivers the best imaging.

Imaging You Can Trust for Specialized Patient Care

iOS & Android
14-Day Risk Free Return
3-year warranty

Talk to An Expert

With 7 scanners and specialized presets and workflows, we have a wireless ultrasound solution that’s perfect for you. Talk to our experts to learn which scanner can deliver the best ultrasound imaging for your practice.

⚠️ Clarius ultrasound is for medical professionals only.