The ergonomics and the size are ideal. In addition to the actual quality of the image, you’re getting it wirelessly. It’s on par with any corded device I have.

⚠️ Clarius ultrasound is for medical professionals only.
Mit der Angabe meiner E-Mail-Adresse erkläre ich mich damit einverstanden, Einladungen zu Clarius-Webinaren, Fallstudien, Whitepapers und mehr zu erhalten, und ich stimme den Clarius-Datenschutzbestimmungen zu. Ich kann mich jederzeit wieder abmelden.
Why wait for a radiology report when you can get the answers you need with Clarius ultrasound? Using dedicated MSK presets on the Clarius App, you’ll instantly get a clear window to evaluate injuries and assess function. Improve procedural safety by visualizing your needle and target anatomy clearly for accurate injections every time.
With 8 times the processing power of most handheld ultrasound systems, Clarius HD3 gives you sharp and clear images of muscle and tissue to assess injuries and perform injections with confidence. You get clear visualization of your needle and target anatomy for safe, accurate procedures.
The ergonomics and the size are ideal. In addition to the actual quality of the image, you’re getting it wirelessly. It’s on par with any corded device I have.
The linear scanner is on par with compact systems, no question.“
A lot of really, really good surgeons don’t think they need to use ultrasound, but I’ve learned that it’s a tool that all of us could use to do a better job.
Because it is handheld and really portable you could use it in field, baseball court, or gym setting.
The ergonomics and the size are ideal. In addition to the actual quality of the image, you’re getting it wirelessly. It’s on par with any corded device I have.
The linear scanner is on par with compact systems, no question.“
A lot of really, really good surgeons don’t think they need to use ultrasound, but I’ve learned that it’s a tool that all of us could use to do a better job.
Because it is handheld and really portable you could use it in field, baseball court, or gym setting.
With 7 scanners and specialized presets and workflows, we have a wireless ultrasound solution that’s perfect for you. Talk to our experts to learn which scanner can deliver the best ultrasound imaging for your practice.
⚠️ Clarius ultrasound is for medical professionals only.