Clarius has done an incredible job with the T-mode, which helps with education because for the first time in real time, you can actually see a color-coded image of what you’re looking at on the screen.

Clarius handheld ultrasound is the leading choice for plastic surgeons to clearly visualize patient anatomy in real-time to safely guide surgical procedures.
⚠️ Clarius ultrasound is for medical professionals only.
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Improve patient safety with the new Clarius L20 HD – the world’s first ultra-high frequency ultrasound in a handheld scanner! Facial vascular mapping takes just minutes. Impress patients and improve safety with ultra-high-definition imaging of the skin, muscles, vessels, and fascia. You’ll gain confidence in your needle placement with dermal fillers to avoid vascular occlusions. Clear visualization of existing fillers and your needle makes it easy to dissolve fillers and treat complications. It’s also ideal for superficial applications like microneedling and reconstructive/cosmetic facial surgery.
Ultra-portable, Clarius ultrasound scanners deliver the power and image quality of traditional systems for a small fraction of the cost.
Clarius has done an incredible job with the T-mode, which helps with education because for the first time in real time, you can actually see a color-coded image of what you’re looking at on the screen.
Clarius has fixed that through their software, which allows you to just pick the area you are working on and it automates the settings for you.
The thing that I most appreciate about the Clarius L20 ultrasound is that it is highly portable, which is absolutely important for plastic surgeons.
I think it’s an exciting time for surgeons to give them a tool that will help prove that they performed the procedure safely and the same tool can make them an efficient and better sculptor.
I can show the patient the screen at the same time so that they can see their own anatomy. My patients are well educated about their procedures, so it makes them feel safer.
When I started using the Clarius L20 HD, I saw firsthand the benefits of using ultrasound every day. It’s better for my patients because I can place fillers exactly where I want and it’s better for my peace of mind because I know I’m performing safe injections every time
Clarius has done an incredible job with the T-mode, which helps with education because for the first time in real time, you can actually see a color-coded image of what you’re looking at on the screen.
Clarius has fixed that through their software, which allows you to just pick the area you are working on and it automates the settings for you.
The thing that I most appreciate about the Clarius L20 ultrasound is that it is highly portable, which is absolutely important for plastic surgeons.
I think it’s an exciting time for surgeons to give them a tool that will help prove that they performed the procedure safely and the same tool can make them an efficient and better sculptor.
I can show the patient the screen at the same time so that they can see their own anatomy. My patients are well educated about their procedures, so it makes them feel safer.
When I started using the Clarius L20 HD, I saw firsthand the benefits of using ultrasound every day. It’s better for my patients because I can place fillers exactly where I want and it’s better for my peace of mind because I know I’m performing safe injections every time
The future of smart devices is portless. Clarius HD now features the latest antenna technology for the most reliable direct WIFI connection to your mobile iOS or Android devices – no ports, no cables. Untethered, you have absolute freedom to scan everywhere.
With 7 scanners and specialized presets and workflows, we have a wireless ultrasound solution that’s perfect for you. Talk to our experts to learn which scanner can deliver the best ultrasound imaging for your practice.
⚠️ Clarius ultrasound is for medical professionals only.