Ultrasound for Accurate MSK Injections and Interventions, Part 2: The Knee

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In this 1-hour webinar, board certified in orthopaedic surgery and sports medicine expert Dr. Alan Hirahara demonstrates proven techniques for performing intra-tendinous and intra-articular knee injections with high-resolution handheld ultrasound for combined best visualization of target anatomy and your needle. Dr. Hirahara uses a cadaver knee to teach:

  • Tendinous, paratendinous, and bursal injections around the knee
  • An intra-tendinous biologic injection into a pathological quadriceps tendon
  • The ultrasound appearance of the patellar tendon and easy in-plane injection techniques
  • An effective and safe superior lateral approach to an intra-articular knee injection
  • How to accurately pinpoint the pes anserine tendons and inject into the bursa
  • Ultrasound techniques to precisely locate the anatomical attachment point for anchor placement in an MPFL repair
Webinar Slides

Clarius Classroom Case Studies with Dr. MJ

Suprapatellar Intra-articular Injection

Pes Anserine Bursitis Injection

Intratendinous Knee Injections

Reimbursement Guide

Download this PDF for the current reimbursement fees and CPT codes.

High-Definition Musculoskeletal Wireless Ultrasound

Getting detailed, real-time musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging of muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons and cartilage at rest and in motion has never been easier or more affordable.

  • Nerve and advanced MSK presets for diagnostic and interventional blocks and procedures enable simple, point and shoot imaging.
  • Without wires, Clarius HD is easy to disinfect or cover in a sterile sleeve.
  • Add Needle Enhance optional software to accurately guide difficult procedures.
  • Start the scanner, launch the app on your Apple or Android device to scan within seconds.
  • Get Clarius Cloud access to save and manage exams or export PDF reports with your Clarius Membership.
  • Save space with Clarius – carry it in your coat pocket!

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