EMERGENCY POCUS: Techniques to Differentiate Causes of Dyspnea

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In this one-hour webinar Dr. Frenkel demonstrates a step-by-step approach for performing a focused set of cardiac and lung ultrasounds to better assess your dyspneic patients. You’ll learn:

  • A rapid-fire approach to interpret the parasternal long axis (PLAX) for maximal clinical benefit
  • To incorporate the parasternal short axis (PSAX) and apical four chamber (A4CH) views for more precise diagnosis
  • How to complete and interpret a comprehensive lung scan in under 30 seconds
  • Adjunct use of IVC and leg vein scanning to confirm clinical hypotheses
  • To differentiate etiology of dyspnea from cardiogenic versus pulmonary causes such as myocarditis, congestive heart failure, lobar pneumonia, viral respiratory infections, and more
Webinar Slides

Clarius Classroom Case Studies

Assessing LV Function

Lung Ultrasound

B Lines Congestive Heart Failure

Clarius Fits in Your Pocket and Delivers the Best Image Quality

Wireless and app-based, Clarius delivers fast imaging and sharp detail at the bedside. Get the high-definition imaging and performance of traditional ultrasound systems in a highly affordable ultra-mobile scanner that pairs instantly with your iOS or Android devices.

  • Ideal for quick exams to make better decisions about patients in critical condition
  • Helps differentiate among causes of dyspnea, shock, chest pain, cardiac arrest
  • Enables quick diagnosis of a pneumothorax or internal hemorrhage
  • Easy infection control with no wires to clean, encase Clarius in a sterile bag
  • Waterproof and fully immersible, Clarius is IP67 rated for high-level disinfection
  • Facilitates fast consults with expert colleagues using one-touch telemedicine

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