Regenerative Medicine: Building POCUS Skills for Safe and Accurate PRP Injections

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In this 1-hour webinar, Dr. Rosenblum, Director of Pain Medicine at the Maimonides Medical Center in New York, shared 4 patient cases recently captured on video using ultrasound to guide platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) injections. You’ll learn how to:

  • Evaluate indications and contraindications of PRP therapy
  • Visualize your needle and target anatomy for safe, effective injections
  • Maximize efficacy by ensuring platelet rich plasma is hitting the intended target in the neck
  • Deliver targeted ultrasound-guided sacroiliac joint PRP
  • Inject the gluteal bursa under direct ultrasound visualization
  • Use ultrasound to guide PRP into common MSK targets like the knee joint
Webinar Slides

Clarius Classroom Case Studies with Dr. Rosenblum

PRP Injection for Knee Arthritis

PRP Cervical Spine Injections

PRP SI Joint and Gluteal Bursal Injections

Reimbursement Guide

Download this PDF for the current reimbursement fees and CPT codes.

High-Definition Musculoskeletal Wireless Ultrasound

Diagnose injuries with confidence and ensure procedural safety – in the office, clinic, or on the field – with Clarius wireless ultrasound in hand for instant high-definition musculoskeletal imaging. Getting detailed, real-time ultrasound imaging of muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage both at rest and in motion has never been easier or more affordable. Use Needle Enhance to watch your needle for an safe, accurate injection every time.

  • Octal beamforming technology, 192 piezoelectric arrays, and AI deliver best-in-class image quality
  • Nerve and advanced MSK presets enable simple, point and shoot imaging for rapid diagnostics
  • Add Needle Enhance for brighter needle visualization to accurately guide difficult procedures
  • Without wires, Clarius HD is easy to disinfect or cover in a sterile sleeve
  • Start the scanner and launch the app on your Apple or Android device to scan within seconds
  • Get Clarius Cloud access to save and manage exams or export PDF reports with your Membership
  • Save space with Clarius – carry it in your coat pocket!

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