Clarius Ultrasound Webinar: MSK Ultrasound Imaging – The Differential Diagnosis of Ultrasound Findings

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RMSK expert Greg Fritz discusses how ultrasound can accurately diagnose the underlying condition that’s causing the patient’s symptoms in a matter of minutes.

In this 1-hour webinar, you’ll learn how easy and affordable it is to add handheld ultrasound to your MSK practice. We explore:

  • How to make a differential diagnosis
  • Helpful questions for differential diagnoses when using ultrasound
  • The role of ultrasound in identifying ligamentous lesions
  • Case Studies
Greg Fritz, PT, DPT, RMSK Physio MSKUS Specialist

Physio MSKUS Specialist

Greg Fritz, PT, DPT, RMSK

Greg has over 34 years of specialty level physical therapy experience. He began his career in Anacortes through Island Hospital and now is the owner of 3 outpatient sports and industrial injury clinics that also provide patient focused general MSK injury rehabilitation. 13 years ago, Greg was introduced to the idea of diagnostic MSK ultrasound imaging from an uncle who was an internist and an innovator with Sonosite in cardiac and vascular sonography. Greg was provided his first scanner to explore the value in his practice. From that point, and after many hours practicing on his kids with gel and an anatomy book, Greg began looking at injuries and the echotexture that tissues undergo during the process of healing. Today, Greg offers diagnostic imaging to his patients and medical professionals in his community. All of the clinics that Greg owns are on islands and there is real value in providing high resolution soft tissue imaging to this population. Greg is passionate for the service product of MSK POCUS and is mission-driven to see it find wings within his profession.

Oron Frenkel, M.D., M.S. Emergency Physician

Emergency Physician

Oron Frenkel, M.D., M.S.

Dr. Oron Frenkel completed his MS and MD simultaneously at the University of California Joint Medical Program in Berkeley and San Francisco, completing his residency in Emergency Medicine followed by a fellowship in Point-of-Care Ultrasound at Alameda County Medical Center in Oakland, California. He moved to British Columbia with the goal of increasing use of point-of-care ultrasound across the province, especially among rural practitioners. An avid educator, Dr. Frenkel is constantly evaluating the best teaching methods for disseminating this technology, how to measure competency in its practice, and its effects on outcomes for individual patients. Dr. Frenkel serves as Chairman of the Clarius Medical Advisory Board.

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