Free WebinarUltrasound for Facial Aesthetics: Mastering Ultrasound AnatomyMarch 18, 2025Register Dr. Steven F. Weiner, MD Shelley Guenther Janaye Smith
Free WebinarUltrasound for Facial Aesthetics: A Beginner’s Guide to Scanning Like a ProJanuary 29, 2025Watch Webinar Shelley Guenther Janaye Smith
Free WebinarUltrasound for Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty: Avoiding Vascular Complications and Improving ResultsApril 30, 2024Watch Webinar Dr. Zainab Al-Mukhtar Shelley Guenther
Free WebinarUltrasound and Lip Fillers: A Safer and More Effective ApproachFebruary 13, 2024Watch Webinar Dr MJ Rowland-Warmann Shelley Guenther
Free WebinarUltrasound for Safe Jawline Rejuvenation: Visualizing Anatomy, Guiding Filler Injections, and Resolving ComplicationsSeptember 20, 2023Watch Webinar Dr. John Arlette Shelley Guenther
Free WebinarFacial Filler Safety 101: Ultrasound Mapping for Accurate Aesthetic InjectionsAugust 9, 2023Watch Webinar Danice Sher, PA-C Shelley Guenther
Free WebinarUltrasound-Powered Aesthetics: Precise Masseter and DAO Botulinum Injections and Perioral Filler PlacementJune 29, 2023Watch Webinar Dr. Stefania Roberts, MBBS FRACGP Shelley Guenther
Free Webinar[Español] Inyecciones faciales avanzadas: aprenda a hacer inyecciones complicadas seguras y evitar complicaciones peligrosasMay 17, 2023Watch Webinar Dra Karina Ravera Jeronimo Maluenda Doñate
Free WebinarUltrasound-Guided Treatment for Extreme Aesthetic Complications: Part 2 – Permanent Facial FillersApril 27, 2023Watch Webinar Dr MJ Rowland-Warmann Shelley Guenther
Free Webinar[Español] Inyecciones eco-guiadas de toxina botulínica: éstos son los pasos para realizar inyecciones faciales y cervicales de manera segura y eficazMarch 6, 2023Watch Webinar Dra Karina Ravera Jeronimo Maluenda Doñate
Free WebinarUltrasound-Guided Techniques to Rapidly Dissolve Fillers, Part 1: Misplaced Facial FillersJanuary 19, 2023Watch Webinar Dr MJ Rowland-Warmann Shelley Guenther
Free Webinar[Español] Mapeo vascular facial guiado por ultrasonido: Aprenda los conceptos básicos de la anatomía facial para evitar complicaciones isquémicas.January 17, 2023Watch Webinar Dra Karina Ravera Rudy Meijer
Free WebinarFacial Filler Danger Zones: Ultrasound Protocol for Safe Injections in the Chin, Forehead, and Marionette LinesNovember 17, 2022Watch Webinar Dr. Ines Verner, MD Shelley Guenther
Free WebinarAvoiding Filler Complications Using Ultrasound To Guide Safe Cheek, Temple, and Tear Trough InjectionsAugust 9, 2022Watch Webinar Dr MJ Rowland-Warmann Shelley Guenther
Free WebinarUsing Ultrasound for Safer Injections of the Lower Face: Deep Pyriform Space and JawlineFebruary 23, 2022Watch Webinar Dr. Steven F. Weiner, MD Oron Frenkel, M.D., M.S. Shelley Guenther
Free WebinarFacial Aesthetic Complications: Using Ultrasound to Dissolve Fillers and Reverse Vascular OcclusionsSeptember 27, 2021Watch Webinar Dr. Steven F. Weiner, MD Oron Frenkel, M.D., M.S.
Free WebinarAnatomical Echography in Aesthetics: Vascular Mapping, Evaluating Fillers and Treating ComplicationsMarch 24, 2021Watch Webinar
Free WebinarUltrasound in Facial Aesthetics: Vascular Mapping, Evaluating Fillers and ComplicationsFebruary 4, 2021Watch Webinar Dr. Steven F. Weiner, MD Oron Frenkel, M.D., M.S.