The image quality is fantastic. The linear scanner is on par with compact systems, no question.

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Mit den neuen KI-gesteuerten Sprachsteuerungen, die speziell für Clarius entwickelt wurden, müssen Sie während des Eingriffs nie wieder Ihren Scanner aus der Hand legen oder einen Assistenten bitten, das Bild anzupassen. Untersuchen Sie einfach den Bereich und fordern Ihren Scanner dazu auf, einzufrieren, Verstärkung und Tiefe anzupassen, Bilder und Videos aufzunehmen, Bildmodi zu wechseln und vieles mehr! Sprachsteuerungen helfen Ihnen dabei, Ihre Arbeitsabläufe zu optimieren, Eingriffe effizient durchzuführen und gleichzeitig die Sicherheit und den Komfort der Patienten zu verbessern.
The image quality is fantastic. The linear scanner is on par with compact systems, no question.
The software has continued to improve and really puts to shame what’s available on some of the other laptop machines.
The best thing about the Clarius is it’s pretty simple and very mobile, so I can use it in different areas.
Enjoyed learning about this machine and overall very impressed with the image quality for the price. Great connectivity and image sharing options.
„The new AI from Clarius is a ground-breaking technology that will help with the education of new users to identify MSK structures. With the AI standardization of measurements, interobserver reliability problems will now be non-existent.„
What I was most blown away by was actually the new color Doppler feature. In addition to the actual quality of the image, you’re getting it wirelessly. It’s on par with any corded device I have.
The portability and image quality of the L15 HD made it an easy decision. One of the other factors for my purchase was the excellent cloud-based database, workflow and reporting functions with Clarius.
I’m amazed by how intuitive it is to use. You don’t have to memorize buttons.
Investing in Clarius is a no-brainer because the payoff for Clarius is fast. You’re paying under 5000 USD compared to laptop machines with comparable image quality that are in the 25,000 to 35,000 USD range.
Clinicians in sports medicine and physical therapy should be equipped with a Clarius given its price point. Immediate access to ultrasound imaging helps reaffirm the primary assessment, improving clinical decisions.
Working without wires is slick. It’s easy to keep the transducer clean and you don’t have to worry about infections from cords draping across the patient.
The new Clarius HD3 is almost like a traditional cart-based probe without the wire and the cart. If you put it behind the iPhone, you literally can’t see it.
Ganz gleich, ob Sie nach einer speziellen Lösung suchen oder Hilfe bei der Suche nach dem richtigen Scanner für Ihre Praxis benötigen, wir sind für Sie da. Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit uns auf und lassen Sie uns loslegen!