Health Canada has approved the C3 and L7 Clarius Wireless Ultrasound Scanners for use by medical professionals. Compatible with the latest iOS and Android smartphones and tablets, Clarius Scanners are for sale now in Canada at www.clarius.me/shop starting at CA$8900.
Clarius ultrasound will help reduce much of the guess work when treating patients quickly in an emergency situation,” said Dr. Geoff Sanz, an emergency physician who works in Kelowna, BC. “I work inside and outside the hospital and having ultrasound with me helps me triage patients with confidence. Clarius will be my new stethoscope.”
Introduced in March 2016, Clarius Ultrasound Scanners are intended for clinicians to conduct quick scans and to guide short procedures at the bedside. The Clarius C3 multipurpose ultrasound scanner is designed to image the abdomen and lungs; it also incorporates a virtual phased array for quick scans of the heart. The Clarius L7 is ideal for guiding procedures and imaging superficial structures.
Clarius Mobile Health was founded by Laurent Pelissier, Chairman and CEO in Vancouver, BC in October 2014. The company started with a small team of engineers and grew to 20 people by January 2016. Clarius currently employs 60 people at its facility in Burnaby, BC and expects to double its staff by the end of the year.
We’ve had the good fortune to find great talent and resources in British Columbia to build our new company from the ground up over the last 24 months,” Pelissier said. “It’s fantastic to be able to create jobs in our community and to make a positive impact on our healthcare system by providing more affordable and easy-to-use ultrasound scanners for medical practitioners.”
Clarius aims to make ultrasound systems more easily accessible to medical professionals by enabling online purchases. The company offers customers the ability to return the product after a one-week trial period for a small handling fee. The company’s e-commerce portal is supported by a telesales team. Clarius Scanners are also available from a network of sales partners. Customers also have the option to finance the Clarius Scanner starting at CA$295 over three years on approved credit.