[WEBINAR RECAP] Ultrasound-Guided Procedures in Anesthesiology: A Review of Benefits and Safety Considerations 

Ultrasound has become an indispensable tool for anesthesiologists, particularly for performing peripheral nerve blocks. It offers real-time guidance, which allows for greater accuracy, reduced complications, and improved patient outcomes.    

Dr. Rudiger Eichholz, a seasoned anesthesiologist, recently shared his insights and experience on the benefits of using ultrasound for anesthesia procedures during a webinar, which is now available to watch on-demand: Mastering Ultrasound-Guided Procedures: 3 Pillars for Safety and Success

Read-on for some key takeaways and tune it to watch his demonstrations. 

Understanding the Benefits of Ultrasound Guidance 

Ultrasound guidance offers numerous advantages over traditional blind injections. These include: 

  • Faster onset of sensory and motor block.    
  • Reduced performance time.    
  • Fewer needle passes.    
  • Decreased risk of local anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST).    
  • Reduced intensity of diaphragmatic paresis.    

By using ultrasound, anesthesiologists can enhance the precision and safety of their procedures, leading to better patient outcomes.    

Three Pillars for Safe and Successful Ultrasound-Guided Procedures 

Dr. Eichholz emphasizes three key pillars for mastering ultrasound-guided procedures: 

  1. Probe Handling: This involves manipulating the ultrasound probe to optimize needle visibility. Techniques include tilting, rotating, and swinging the probe in micro-movements to ensure the needle tip is always within the scanning plane.    
  1. Needle Control: The needle itself can be used to enhance visibility. This includes directing the bevel upwards for better sound reflection and inserting the needle at a shallow angle for improved visualization. Rotating the needle can also help identify the tip and penetrate fascial layers.    
  1. Sonographic Anatomy: A thorough understanding of sonographic anatomy is crucial. Standardized scanning procedures can help identify the correct location for needle placement.    

Additional Considerations for Successful Ultrasound-Guided Procedures 

Beyond the three pillars, several other factors contribute to the success and safety of ultrasound-guided procedures: 

  • Training and Practice: Attending training courses and practicing on phantoms can significantly improve anesthesiologists’ skills in using ultrasound.    
  • Needle Navigation: Techniques like angle navigation and the walk-down method with angle adjustment can help guide the needle to the target structure accurately.    
  • Syringe Control: The anesthesiologist should control the syringe to ensure precise injection and avoid accidental over injection.    
  • Guidewire Control: Guidewires can be used to enhance needle visibility and control during vascular access procedures.    
  • Catheter Control: Ultrasound can also be used to confirm the proper placement of catheters.    

Handheld Ultrasound: A Valuable Tool for Anesthesiologists 

Dr. Eichholz uses the Clarius PAL dual-array scanner, which provides clear visualization of relevant anatomy and facilitates precise needle placement.    

Watch this video to see him demonstrate how ultrasound can be used to image the diaphragm and lungs, as well as locate the area where he will block the brachial and cervical plexus in preparation for surgery.  

AI Powered Handheld Ultrasound Delivers Optimal Imaging  

Wireless and pocket-sized, Clarius delivers the high-definition imaging and performance of traditional ultrasound systems in a highly affordable ultra-mobile scanner. You get clear visualization of your needle and target anatomy for safe, accurate procedures, every time. Visit our Regional Anesthesia page to learn about the range of Clarius scanners available to help clinicians around the world with rapid ultrasound guidance for accurate and effective blocks.  

We would be delighted to schedule a virtual demonstration with a Clarius expert at your convenience. Contact us today.  

Filed In Artículos, Video, Webinar
Specialties Covered: Anesthesiology

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Con tecnología de IA con ajustes preestablecidos especializados y flujos de trabajo personalizables, Clarius HD3 optimiza automáticamente las imágenes para brindar una experiencia de escaneo de ultrasonido superior. Con 7 escáneres, tenemos una solución de ultrasonido inalámbrica que es perfecta para usted. Reserve una demostración virtual con nuestros expertos para saber qué escáner puede ofrecer las mejores imágenes de ultrasonido para su consulta.