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Practical Small Animal Ultrasound: Guiding Diagnosis and Management of Palpable Abdominal Masses
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RACE-Approved: 1 CE/CPD Credit
Ultrasound educator Dr. Camilla Edwards, DVM, CertAVP, MRCVS is back to teach us how to rapidly identify palpable abdominal masses, characterize tumors, investigate spread, and offer prognosis.
You’ll discover how easy and affordable it is to add wireless ultrasound to your veterinary practice. Dr. Edwards will teach how to:
- Perform a systematic ultrasound examination of the abdomen to determine the mass origin
- Demonstrate the ultrasound characteristics of the tumour – size, shape, echogenicity
- Investigate spread or invasion of local organs or lymph nodes
- Perform ultrasound-guided sampling for a definitive diagnosis and prognosis
- Monitor changes over time to guide treatment and decision making

Ultrasound is a powerful tool for guiding the evaluation and diagnosis process. In this webinar Dr. Camilla Edwards will explore the role of wireless ultrasound in diagnosing palpable abdominal masses in veterinary patients, providing hands-on techniques for a comprehensive abdominal survey and a more definitive diagnosis.
The accurate diagnosis of a palpable abdominal mass can pose significant challenges in veterinary medicine. Dr. Edwards has been performing veterinary ultrasound for many years and has accumulated a variety of case studies. Observing these cases will provide you with tips and tricks needed to identify, locate, and characterize abdominal masses using the latest advancements in handheld wireless ultrasound.
Dr. Edwards with teach us how to differentiate types of abdominal masses, distinguishing between solid masses (such as tumors or enlarged organs) and fluid-filled masses (such as cysts or abscesses) – an important step in determining the potential causes and guiding further diagnostic steps. You’ll learn to assess structures surrounding the abdominal mass, including blood vessels and organs, assessing blood flow within and around the mass using Doppler.
Next, Dr. Edwards will demonstrate how to obtain a definitive diagnosis using ultrasound-guided procedures to safely obtain a tissue sample for analysis, increasing the accuracy of the procedure while reducing potential complications.
Beyond the initial diagnosis, Dr. Edwards will demonstrate the ongoing value of point-of-care ultrasound for patient monitoring over time. She’ll discuss how serial ultrasound examinations can be performed to monitor the size and characteristics of the abdominal mass, tracking any changes and guiding treatment decisions, such as determining if the mass is growing or if intervention is required.
Dr. Edwards will be joined by your host and emergency physician Dr. Oron Frenkel and sonographer Shelley Guenther who will showcase live scanning with the new Clarius C7 Vet HD3! Don’t miss this educational webinar – register today to brush up on your practical point-of-care ultrasound skills.

Peripatetic Veterinary Ultrasonographer | Educator | First Opinion Veterinary Ultrasound
Dr. Camilla Edwards, DVM, CertAVP, MRCVS
Dr. Camilla Edwards, DVM, CertAVP, MRCVS, is passionate about first opinion level small animal veterinary ultrasound. She travels with her dog Pippi (a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever) within 50 miles of Cambridge as a peripatetic veterinary ultrasonographer, Camilla teaches ultrasound with Celtic SMR, Photon Surgical Systems and FOVU and has built a thriving Facebook community for First Opinion Small Animal Vets. Through her website,, she reviews ultrasound machines with general practice small animal vets in mind. Camilla qualified as a vet in 2006 and has worked all over East Anglia, UK. Camilla is experienced in emergency and critical care, having gained her CertAVP in 2018.

Emergency Physician
Oron Frenkel, M.D., M.S.
Dr. Oron Frenkel completed his MS and MD simultaneously at the University of California Joint Medical Program in Berkeley and San Francisco, completing his residency in Emergency Medicine followed by a fellowship in Point-of-Care Ultrasound at Alameda County Medical Center in Oakland, California. He moved to British Columbia with the goal of increasing use of point-of-care ultrasound across the province, especially among rural practitioners. An avid educator, Dr. Frenkel is constantly evaluating the best teaching methods for disseminating this technology, how to measure competency in its practice, and its effects on outcomes for individual patients. Dr. Frenkel serves as Chairman of the Clarius Medical Advisory Board.

Medical Sonographer
Shelley Guenther, CRGS, CRCS
Shelley Guenther worked as a Nuclear Medicine Technologist for 2 years before entering into the ultrasound program at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton. After graduating with specialties in general ultrasound as well as echocardiography, she worked as a clinical expert in the commercial world of ultrasound for over 25 years. As Clinical Manager at Clarius, Shelley Guenther is dedicated to providing the highest quality educational content for clinicians looking to add wireless ultrasound to their practice, including practical webinars and Clarius Classroom video tutorials.
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