[VIDEO] Ultrasound-Guided iPACK Injection for Posterior Knee Pain 

John Marino was somewhat skeptical when he came to see Dr. David Rosenblum about his posterior knee pain. Previous treatments including knee surgery hadn’t delivered the results he had hoped for. But he sounded optimistic when we spoke to him shortly after an ultrasound-guided pain injection by Dr. Rosenblum. 

This was quick. Nothing I’ve done before was done on the same day, including imaging my knee. Right now, my knees don’t feel any pain,” he says after the treatment. 

Dr. Rosenblum chose to perform an iPACK (infiltration Between the Popliteal Artery and Capsule of the Knee) block on John. Watch the following 2-minute video to see how he locates the popliteal artery and precisely guides his needle using the Clarius L7 HD3 wireless ultrasound scanner.  

The Clarius ultrasound gives me a lot of confidence when performing procedures. It also inspires confidence in my patients,” says Dr. Rosenblum. “My patients see that I’m using a newer piece of tech, not using an archaic machine that some of the other physicians are using and it makes them feel more comfortable because they know I have the best technology to help me treat my patients. They tend to look at what I’m doing as something cutting-edge and high-end.” 

Watch this 1-minute video to see why John thinks his treatment was successful. 

Take the Guesswork out of Pain Management with Clarius Ultrasound 

Affordable and easy to learn and use, Clarius wireless ultrasound scanners are the leading choice for pain management specialists looking for the best image quality.  

If you’re interested in joining our growing community of users, please visit our wireless ultrasound for pain management page to learn more about which Clarius scanner is right for your practice. Or contact us today for a virtual demo to help you select the best Clarius scanner for your practice. 

Filed In Artikel, Classroom, Reviews, Video
Specialties Covered: Pain Management

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Mit 7 Scannern und speziellen Voreinstellungen und Arbeitsabläufen haben wir eine kabellose Ultraschalllösung, die perfekt auf Ihre Anforderungen zugeschnitten ist . Sprechen Sie mit unseren Experten, um zu erfahren, welcher Scanner die besten Ultraschallbilder für ihre Praxis liefern kann.