Clarius Draws Crowds ECR 2017

Clarius has been introducing its wireless handheld scanners to radiologists from around the world at the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) in Vienna, Austria this week. Many who follow Clarius online came to see if Clarius lived up to its claim about high quality images. Others were surprised and delighted to discover Clarius for the first time. “Wow” was repeated often as visitors caught their first glimpse of live imaging. Some chose to scan themselves to get a real feel of imaging with Clarius. Click below to watch a video clip of a demonstration with the Clarius L7 Scanner posted by Lorenzo Masci on Twitter.han

With regulatory clearance in many regions, Clarius is now available for sale in the European Union, Canada, the United States, Chile, Australia and New Zealand.

Filed In Events
In the article: handheld scanners, Scanning with Clarius, ultrasound
Specialties Covered: Radiology

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Buchen Sie eine Live Demonstration

Mit 7 Scannern und speziellen Voreinstellungen und Arbeitsabläufen haben wir eine kabellose Ultraschalllösung, die perfekt auf Ihre Anforderungen zugeschnitten ist . Sprechen Sie mit unseren Experten, um zu erfahren, welcher Scanner die besten Ultraschallbilder für ihre Praxis liefern kann.