[VIDEO] What an MSK Researcher Likes Best About Clarius Ultrasound

Jessica Tolsman, a second-year master’s student at Michigan State University, had her first experience with ultrasound with a cart-based system when she arrived at the MSK research lab during her first year.

It was definitely a learning curve, especially with our large ultrasound machine,” she says. “There’s a lot of buttons, and ensuring that you’re positioning the probe properly.”

She began using Clarius handheld ultrasound during her second year to specifically assess the fat thickness overlying a patient’s quadricep muscle and was an early user of Clarius MSK AI.

The AI-generated tendon segmentation is ideal for us at MSU, where we do a lot of imaging and we’re required to painstakingly trace out the tendon to find the thickest part of it. But Clarius automatically does all that work for you. It’s done in seconds, which cannot be beat,” she explains.

Watch our 5-minute video interview with Jessica to hear why she “100% recommends Clarius.”

Read on to discover what Jessica likes best about using Clarius wireless handheld ultrasound for MSK research.

Clarius Automated Imaging Preset Makes Dynamic Imaging Workflow More Efficient

Having a preset options on the Clarius really kind of helps the workflow through. There’s no stopping and changing different settings before you begin. Kind of promotes an easier, more efficient workflow, which is very beneficial when we have five or 10 athletes coming in a day, all back-to-back. We can’t really have that much time in between everyone to be messing with some settings on ultrasound.”

Learning to Use Clarius is Easy

Just rotating from limb to limb on a participant is very easy, with it being wireless and the ease of actually learning how to use Clarius. It was a very small learning curve, a lot smaller than the larger cart, but you still get great image qualities and you’re allowed to do so much more on the Clarius app than you are normal ultrasound machines from tracing fat thickness to the auto-generated AI for tendons.”

“The Sky’s the Limit” for MSK Research When There Are No Wires and It’s Portable

If we have multiple people in at once, hopping over to another subject is much easier than using the big ultrasound cart where you have to kind of maneuver around the tables. With Clarius, you just have to stand up, bring over a tablet and the scanner with you, and you’re all set to go. It just kind of makes the flow of work a lot easier. 

With our studies here at MSU, we’re no longer confined to one cart or one location. We can really branch out and the sky’s the limit on what we’re able to do. We’re able to kind of think more broadly and connect ultrasound to different movements where we weren’t able to use them before, such as walking, maybe jumping and strength tests as well.”

[VIDEO] Watch a Demonstration of Clarius Ultrasound with the Usono ProbeFix

Jessica’s colleague, Dr. Matt Harkey from Michigan State University, demonstrates how the Clarius is used to scan bodies in motion with the ProbeFix from Usono in this 2-minute video.

AI-Powered for Optimal Imaging

Clarius HD3 wireless handheld ultrasound scanners give you sharp and clear images of muscle and tissue to assess injuries and perform injections with confidence. With AI assistance on your smart device, getting a great image is easy. Start scanning in seconds, then simply pinch to zoom, slide to change gain, and tap to switch modes.

To learn which Clarius ultrasound scanner is right for your MSK practice, book a virtual demonstration with a Clarius expert. 

Filed In Artikel, Research, Reviews, Video
Specialties Covered: MSK

Buchen Sie eine Live Demonstration

Mit 7 Scannern und speziellen Voreinstellungen und Arbeitsabläufen haben wir eine kabellose Ultraschalllösung, die perfekt auf Ihre Anforderungen zugeschnitten ist . Sprechen Sie mit unseren Experten, um zu erfahren, welcher Scanner die besten Ultraschallbilder für ihre Praxis liefern kann.