I was in awe at the precision in identifying the tissue type and anatomical structures. Simply amazing stuff.

Greg Fritz
Anacortes Physical Therapy
für Ästhetik und Plastische Chirurgie
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T-Mode ist ein innovativer Ansatz zur Ultraschallbildung, der entwickelt wurde, um Ihre Scanning-Fähigkeiten mithilfe der Kraft der KI zu verbessern. Diese neuartige Technologie überlagert distinctive Farben, Muster und Beschriftungen, um anatomische Strukturen und Gewebeschichten in den Bereichen Ästhetik und Plastische Chirurgie sofort zu identifizieren und zu unterscheiden.
Verwenden Sie T-Mode, um anatomische Strukturen und Gewebeschichten mit sofortigem Echtzeit-Feedback zu identifizieren, für eine Lehrbuchgleiche Anzeige auf dem Bildschirm. T-Mode ist heute mit dem Advanced Aesthetics Package erhältlich, das in der Mitgliedschaft enthalten ist.
I was in awe at the precision in identifying the tissue type and anatomical structures. Simply amazing stuff.
Anacortes Physical Therapy
The learning curve to master ultrasound is steep. This is the beginning of a new era of learning where AI acts as our „teacher“ or „guide“. Clearly, we are at the beginning of this exciting new era which in my opinion will only get better and at a very rapid pace.”
The Dermatology Institute of Victoria
The Aesthetic Clinique
Clarius has done an incredible job with the T-mode, which helps with education because for the first time in real time, you can actually see a color-coded image of what you’re looking at on the screen.
Miami Aesthetics
Clarius continues their commitment to plastic surgery education and patient safety with the introduction of T-mode. This new interface uses artificial intelligence to detect and color code the different gluteal subcutaneous layers, allowing surgeons to practice identifying their targets for fat grafting.”
Miami Aesthetic
T-Mode is simply phenomenal. The ramifications for learning and teaching exceed expectations. We used to commission or create illustrations for teaching to better illustrate the anatomy. This is now fully automated in real-time. New users will be able to learn ultrasound on their own now without the need of books or courses.
Orthopaedic Surgeon, Sports Medicine
The Clarius T-Mode is a game-changer. No longer do new adopters have to worry about the ultrasound learning curve. Using AI, the tissue layers are visually identified using textured AI graphics. When the freeze screen is activated, the T-Mode even labels the layers. What I found was even more remarkable was that the accuracy of the T-Mode was 100%. This is such a great addition to the most intuitive ultrasound imaging platform”
The Aesthetic Clinique
As you learn to generate and interpret images with point-of-care ultrasound, sometimes tissue planes can be difficult to tell apart. T-mode promises to be a huge game changer making this important skill much easier to learn. New sonographers will find their skills advancing much more quickly.”
The T-Mode AI color assist for facial ultrasound imaging in aesthetics is a significant advancement in training for those early in their scanning career. The demonstration of fascial planes, fat compartments and muscle rapidly leads to confident interpretation of the important structures below the skin.
Wählen Sie T-Mode KI während der Ultraschalluntersuchung aus, um die Echtzeitsegmentierung anatomischer Schichten und Gewebe neben Ihrem Graustufenbild zu aktivieren.
Die Graustufen-Farbmaskenfunktion passt sich strukturierten Schichten an und verbessert die Bildinterpretation und die Optimierung Ihres gesamten Lernerlebnisses.
Erweitern Sie Ihr Verständnis für verschiedene anatomische Schichten mit detaillierten Texturen und Beschriftungen von Strukturen.
Buchen Sie noch heute eine Demo, um selbst zu erleben, wie Clarius Al Ihr Verständnis der Ultraschallanatomie revolutionieren kann.