Clarius has done an incredible job with the T-mode, which helps with education because for the first time in real time, you can actually see a color-coded image of what you’re looking at on the screen.
Dr. Pat Pazmiño
Miami Aesthetics
para Estética y Cirugía Plástica
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T-Mode es un enfoque innovador para la educación en ecografía diseñado para mejorar sus habilidades de escaneo utilizando la potencia de la inteligencia artificial en aplicaciones de Estética y Cirugía Plástica. Esta novedosa tecnología superpone colores distintivos, patrones y etiquetas para identificar y diferenciar al instante estructuras anatómicas y capas de tejido.
Utilize T-Mode para identificar estructuras anatómicas y capas de tejido con retroalimentación en tiempo real instantánea, logrando una presentación similar a la de un libro de texto en la pantalla. T-Mode está disponible hoy con el Paquete de Estética Avanzada, incluido en la Membresía.
Clarius has done an incredible job with the T-mode, which helps with education because for the first time in real time, you can actually see a color-coded image of what you’re looking at on the screen.
Miami Aesthetics
Clarius continues their commitment to plastic surgery education and patient safety with the introduction of T-mode. This new interface uses artificial intelligence to detect and color code the different gluteal subcutaneous layers, allowing surgeons to practice identifying their targets for fat grafting.”
Miami Aesthetic
As you learn to generate and interpret images with point-of-care ultrasound, sometimes tissue planes can be difficult to tell apart. T-mode promises to be a huge game changer making this important skill much easier to learn. New sonographers will find their skills advancing much more quickly.”
The Aesthetic Clinique
The learning curve to master ultrasound is steep. This is the beginning of a new era of learning where AI acts as our «teacher» or «guide». Clearly, we are at the beginning of this exciting new era which in my opinion will only get better and at a very rapid pace.”
The Dermatology Institute of Victoria
The Clarius T-Mode is a game-changer. No longer do new adopters have to worry about the ultrasound learning curve. Using AI, the tissue layers are visually identified using textured AI graphics. When the freeze screen is activated, the T-Mode even labels the layers. What I found was even more remarkable was that the accuracy of the T-Mode was 100%. This is such a great addition to the most intuitive ultrasound imaging platform”
The Aesthetic Clinique
The T-Mode AI color assist for facial ultrasound imaging in aesthetics is a significant advancement in training for those early in their scanning career. The demonstration of fascial planes, fat compartments and muscle rapidly leads to confident interpretation of the important structures below the skin.
Seleccione T-Mode IA mientras realiza la exploración para activar la segmentación en tiempo real de capas anatómicas y tejidos junto a su imagen en escala de grises.
La función de máscara de color en escala de grises se alinea con las capas texturizadas, mejorando la interpretación de la imagen y optimizando tu experiencia de aprendizaje en general.
Mejore su comprensión de diferentes capas anatómicas con texturas detalladas y estructuras etiquetadas.
Reserve una demostración hoy mismo para ver de primera mano cómo Clarius Al puede revolucionar su comprensión de la anatomía ecográfica.