Visualize your needle in high-definition for safe and precise pain medicine procedures.

With high-definition nerve and musculoskeletal (MSK) imaging, Clarius HD3 is the ideal wireless ultrasound system for safe, accurate procedure guidance.

Take the guesswork out of pain management. Clarius ultrasound guidance improves procedural success and patient confidence.

Ultrasound-guided injections have proven to exhibit significantly greater accuracy and deliver greater clinical improvement. Recognized for the best imaging quality among handheld systems, Clarius HD3 is highly affordable, easy to learn and use. With clear nerve and musculoskeletal imaging, watch your needle hit the target with 100% accuracy, even with deeper injections.

AI-Powered for Optimal Imaging

With 8 times the processing power of most handheld ultrasound systems, Clarius HD3 gives you sharp and clear imaging of tiny nerves and surrounding anatomy to perform injections with confidence. You get clear visualization of your needle and injection target for safe, accurate procedures, every time, improving the overall patient experience.

  • Use ultrasound imaging to plan accurate injections
  • Visualize your needle, tiny nerves and vessels for every procedure
  • Target the joint space for painless intra-articular injections
  • Perform safe fascial plane blocks to relieve chronic pain
  • Impress patients with instant pain relief

Clarius high frequency ultrasound can be used to identify the suprapatellar recess in patients with arthritic knee pain. Visualization of the needle in the space ensures accurate, painless injection of the supplement.

Rotator Cuff tendinopathy is often treated with steroid injection. Using Clarius high-frequency wireless ultrasound to clearly identify the subacromial space and visualize the needle will ensure safe and effective treatment for every procedure.

Supraclavicular block is effective for post-op pain control in the upper extremity, but there are several important structures in the space to be avoided.  Use Clarius High-definition ultrasound to safely guide your needle to the supraclavicular fossa, and ensure the lung and subclavian artery never meet your needle.

Vertrauenswürdige Bildklarheit für Pain Management


Unveränderliche Verbindung. Völlige Freiheit. Ohne Kabel einfach und schnell reinigen und desinfizieren.


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Einfache Bedienung

Die benutzerfreundliche App für Apple oder Android optimiert Ihre Arbeitsabläufe mit einfachen Wisch-, Tipp- und Sprachsteuerung*.

Hohe Auflösung

KI, 8 Beamformer und 192 piezoelektrische Elemente liefern automatisch erstklassige Bildgebung.


Clarius HD3 ist ideal für kleine Räume und passt in Ihre Tasche. Nehmen Sie ihn überallhin mit!


7 Scanner und spezialisierte Software bieten spezielle Voreinstellungen und automatisierte Workflows für Ihre Fachrichtung.

* Nur mit Mitgliedschaft verfügbar.

Advanced MSK Package

Exclusive to members, the Advanced MSK Package offers more flexibility for users who need additional customizations for various joint spaces and MSK related anatomy.

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Clarius Cloud

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