[VIDEO] Innovation Corner: How EMS Professionals are Using Wireless Ultrasound to Save Lives When Seconds Count

Everything has to be lighter when you’re dealing with helicopters,” says Miles Randell, President at TEAAMM Aeromedical, a non-profit aeromedical rescue program based in British Columbia and established in 2017 to provide support beyond paramedic regions.

They fly doctors, paramedics, and nurses to patients in remote locations, put them on a hoist cable onto any terrain, treat patients on the scene, and then take them to an appropriate hospital. TEAAM has been using Clarius wireless ultrasound scanners for rapid assessments since 2018.

During our Clarius HD3 Innovation Spotlight, Clarius Chief Medical Advisor, Dr. Oron Frenkel had the chance to talk to Miles about his experience using Clarius ultrasound in rescue operations.

Point-of-care ultrasound allows us to have stronger and more accurate patient assessments that results in better treatment plans, and absolutely better transport decisions,” Miles explains. “We find that ultrasound for a hypothermic cardiac arrest, which is my specialty, allows me to look into the patient and determine if that patient is salvageable, which was a bit of guesswork prior to that.”

Miles is a big fan of the new Clarius C3 HD3, “I wish you had me on video the first time I held it in my hands. It’s smaller and the ease of use in training 160 staff is absolutely incredible for us.”

Auto Preset™ AI to the Rescue

Emergency Medical Professionals are routinely faced with making split-second decisions on how to treat critically-ill patients before they get to the hospital. Now, point-of-care ultrasound systems like Clarius are helping to prompt life-saving maneuvers and procedures.

To help novice users perform a quick ultrasound exam when seconds count, Clarius has introduced Auto-Preset AI. Using artificial intelligence, the Clarius App automatically identifies pericardial, peritoneal and thoracic anatomy and adjusts imaging parameters for rapid triage and intervention.

Watch this video from this year’s Innovation Spotlight to see Dr. Oron Frenkel demonstrate how the Clarius Auto Preset™ AI provides an instant window to rapidly assess a patient’s condition using the Clarius C3 HD3.

We just select Auto Preset™ AI and start scanning,” Dr. Frenkel explains. “Clarius HD3 recognizes the anatomy and adjusts the preset to whatever I’m scanning. If we imagine this critically ill patient maybe a polytrauma victim or apparent PEA with hypothermia. I can quickly scan heart, lungs, and abdomen and it switches like I like to say automagically. We don’t need to touch our Clarius App at all on our smart device as it automatically optimizes depth, gain, and other parameters.”

Clarius Wireless Handheld Ultrasound for First Responders

Clarius is reinventing Emergency Medical Services by bringing hospital-grade imaging anywhere to help identify injuries in real-time and expedite treatment. First responders are able to rapidly diagnose pulmonary and cardiac diseases and better manage critically ill patients in pre-hospital settings. They can also discuss options and prepare for the ER while in the field by selecting one-touch live telemedicine to connect with hospital clinicians.

Visit our EMS page to learn more or contact us today to schedule a virtual demo.

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Reserve una demostración virtual

Con tecnología de IA con ajustes preestablecidos especializados y flujos de trabajo personalizables, Clarius HD3 optimiza automáticamente las imágenes para brindar una experiencia de escaneo de ultrasonido superior. Con 7 escáneres, tenemos una solución de ultrasonido inalámbrica que es perfecta para usted. Reserve una demostración virtual con nuestros expertos para saber qué escáner puede ofrecer las mejores imágenes de ultrasonido para su consulta.