What Lies Beneath: Ultrasound Imaging Brings Anatomy to Life for Physical Therapy Students

Many professional associations are taking conferences virtual this year and are incorporating new technologies to increase interactivity with the materials being present.

For example, Dr. Ruth Maher, Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic medicine is presenting a paper at the American Association of Clinical Anatomists Conference being held virtually this week.  Her poster incorporates augmented reality that brings the ultrasound images to life. View Poster.

Dr. Maher’s paper discusses the benefits of using ultrasound to teach students the effects of dynamic musculoskeletal tasks on function, which cannot be learned via cadaver dissection.

The 33 students who participated in the sessions used Clarius handheld scanners during their course.  They were overwhelmingly supportive of the ultrasound instruction:

  • 100% of the respondents agreed that US was an innovative tool that allowed them to observe musculoskeletal components of dynamic movement.
  • 94% agreed that US stimulated their interest, enhanced their assessment skills and the US units were easy to use.

Dr. Maher will be presenting virtually at the American Academy of Clinical Anatomists 2020 annual meeting. To view the paper with augmented reality, download the POST REALTY APP.

Filed In Education, Events, Insights, Med Schools
Specialties Covered: Med School, MSK

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