Press Release

Clarius Takes the Lead in the AI Ultrasound Innovation Race with the Introduction of Clarius OB AI

Clarius OB AI, its 8th AI model designed to make ultrasound easier to use for every clinician, automates complicated obstetric calculations during pregnancy.

Vancouver, BC, June 11, 2024Clarius Mobile Health, a leading provider of high-definition handheld ultrasound systems, has received Health Canada approval for the Clarius OB AI fetal biometric measurement tool, which is used to automatically estimate fetal age, weight and growth intervals. Developed with state-of-the-art deep learning models and trained using more than 30,000 de-identified fetal ultrasound images, the new AI tool is available now with the Clarius C3 HD3 wireless handheld ultrasound scanner in Canada. It is intended to increase a clinic’s efficiency and workflow, provide consistent and precise measurements quickly, and to support training efforts for new ultrasound users including midwives and nurses. 

“Obstetric ultrasound is essential to good prenatal care, but accessibility has been limited in under resourced areas due to the high cost of equipment and the need for trained sonographers to capture ultrasound images,” said Ohad Arazi, CEO at Clarius. “We’re excited about offering tools like OB AI on our affordable portable scanners to make ultrasound easier to access and use by clinicians.” 

Two-thirds of women worldwide lack access to pre-natal ultrasound for monitoring wellbeing1. While ultrasound imaging is widely recognized as the gold standard for capturing accurate biometric measurements to monitor fetal wellbeing, the high cost of equipment, lack of portability, and the extensive training required are barriers to widespread adoption by midwives and nurses. By integrating AI with affordable and specialized ultrasound technology, Clarius aims to broaden ultrasound access for midwives and nurses, improving maternal and fetal health outcomes. 

“I feel more confident with my ultrasound exams since I’ve started using OB AI,” said Dr. Anish Keshwani, a family physician in Des Moines Iowa, who was part of a group of early validators for the model. « I love how the AI makes the app light up when things are perfectly lined up – I can see this really helping both seasoned clinicians and those who are starting their ultrasound journey. » 

Clarius OB AI is the 8th AI model developed in-house which is available with Clarius ultrasound scanners. The company leads the way in AI developments for the handheld ultrasound market. Clarius developed OB AI using its proprietary deep learning algorithm, which analyzed and interpreted unidentified obstetric images collected with Clarius handheld ultrasound scanners. Once activated on the Clarius App while a clinician is scanning the abdomen, OB AI automatically highlights key fetal anatomy and automatically places calipers to calculate measurements, which appear on screen and can be added to a patient’s electronic record from the app. 

1. Mariani G, Kasznia-Brown J, Paez D, Mikhail MN, H Salama D, Bhatla N, Erba PA, Kashyap R. Improving women’s health in low-income and middle-income countries. Part II: the needs of diagnostic imaging. Nucl Med Commun. 2017 Dec;38(12):1024-1028. doi: 10.1097/MNM.0000000000000752. PMID: 28953209; PMCID: PMC5704652.

About Clarius Mobile Health  
Clarius is on a mission to make accurate, easy-to-use, and affordable ultrasound tools available to all medical professionals in every specialty. With decades of experience in medical imaging, the team knows that great ultrasound imaging improves confidence and patient care. Today, AI-powered Clarius handheld wireless ultrasound scanners connect to iOS and Android devices, delivering high-resolution ultrasound images traditionally only available with bulkier, high-end systems at a fraction of the cost. Almost 4 million high-definition scans have been performed using Clarius wireless handheld scanners. Clarius scanners are available in over 90 countries worldwide. Learn more at  

Clarius Media Contact 
Marie-Claire Charlton 
Director of Marketing 
[email protected] 
Phone: +1 (778) 800-99754 ext. 148 


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