Want to Test-Drive Clarius?

If you’ve ever tried to purchase an ultrasound machine, you know how difficult the process can be, especially during the consideration and evaluation phase.

To truly understand and assess the features and functionality of an ultrasound unit, you need to try it first. You need to personally assess image quality and usability, especially when it’s a unique ultrasound scanner like Clarius.

Since we brought Clarius to market at the beginning of 2017, we’ve had a lot of requests to try it. It’s difficult for people to believe the images we show on our website or on Clarius Cases are real; everyone thinks they are manipulated marketing images, and it’s hard for some to conceptualize how the user interface will work on their phone or table. That’s why we created Clarius Demo Mode. Now anyone can download the Clarius App for free from the iTunes or Google Play Stores and once installed, it will operate as an interactive ultrasound interface. It runs pre-acquired cine loops that have been captured for each workflow, under each scanner model.

Once you download the App, you can get started by selecting one of the virtual demo scanners that appear, just as you would if you were connecting to your own physical scanner. You then engage by choosing a workflow and jump right into imaging.

Available controls include depth and zoom adjustments, as well as the ability to freeze the image. You can also measure, annotate, and capture the images and cine loops, which can then be sent to the Clarius Cloud where you will be able to get a feel for many of the amazing features that this online platform provides.

Note that the images you see are optimized with our patent-pending automated gain algorithm so while you can see how to adjust gain in demo mode, you won’t see the image change.  We currently haven’t enabled advanced features like Color Doppler or Needle Enhancement.

Whether you are on the ultrasound buying journey, or whether you are just curious to see how our technology works, we invite you to try it. Clarius Virtual Demo will allow you to quickly and thoroughly assess whether Clarius is the right fit for you. It all starts with a simple download, something that no other traditional ultrasound machine can offer.

Download the new Clarius App on iTunes or Google Play Store today.  Click here for instructions on how to use Clarius Virtual Demo.

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In the article: clarius, demo mode, Scanning with Clarius

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