[VIDEO] Why Handheld Ultrasound is the Future of Clinical Medicine 

We recently talked with three emergency medicine physicians about their experience with the new Clarius PAL HD3 dual-array wireless ultrasound scanner. As each of them is responsible for training the next generation of physicians, we were also interested in learning their thoughts on the role handheld ultrasound plays in teaching point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS)  

Watch this 2-minute video to see what they had to say. Or read below for highlights. 

Dr. Tom Cook practices emergency medicine in South Carolina and teaches POCUS everywhere. 

I train a lot of residents,” says Dr. Cook. “We have 39 residents in my program. I’ve graduated over 250 residents in the last 22 years as a director. When we put out the hand-carried systems, they get very, very excited about using them. Not only because they’re easy to use and because they’re fun to use and because the image quality is great and all the other things I’ve talked about, but because they know it’s the future, they know that that’s where the practice of clinical medicine is going.” 

Dr. Oron Frenkel practices emergency medicine in Vancouver, BC, in Northern Washington State, and some rural emergency departments in BC.  

I am a big believer that the next generation of medical trainees are going to really lead this transformation of care with the point-of-care ultrasound that we have foreseen for many years,” says Dr. Frenkel. “And making a scanner that’s more portable and easier to use, and with its full range of applications, enables medical students and residents to learn all the elements of their physical examination, augmented with diagnostic imaging.” 

Dr. Brian Johnson practices emergency medicine in Washington State

We have residents in our hospital, they all love ultrasound,” says Dr. Johnson. “Having and employing each of them with an ultrasound to kind of pique their curiosity and to delve deeper into sort of their learning at the bedside can only make things better.” 

About the Clarius PAL HD3 Dual-Array Wireless Handheld Ultrasound Scanner for Whole-Body Imaging 

Uniquely combining phased and linear arrays on a single head, the new Clarius PAL HD3 is a wireless handheld whole-body ultrasound scanner. It’s a versatile scanner with superior image quality and exceptional versatility for real-time imaging of both superficial and deep anatomy at the bedside.  

Book a personal virtual demonstration with a Clarius expert in your region to learn if Clarius PAL is suitable for your practice.  

Filed In Artikel, Reviews, Video
Specialties Covered: Emergency Medicine, Hospitalist, Rural

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Mit 7 Scannern und speziellen Voreinstellungen und Arbeitsabläufen haben wir eine kabellose Ultraschalllösung, die perfekt auf Ihre Anforderungen zugeschnitten ist . Sprechen Sie mit unseren Experten, um zu erfahren, welcher Scanner die besten Ultraschallbilder für ihre Praxis liefern kann.