[VIDEO] Innovation Corner: Eliminate Guesswork with High-Definition Portable MSK Ultrasound

With the development of ultra-portable ultrasound systems like Clarius, point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) is more accessible for every medical specialty, including for a wide range of MSK applications.

Pathology in patients with shoulder pain can be notoriously difficult to accurately diagnose,” says Dr. Oron Frenkel, an emergency physician practicing in Vancouver. “We rely on imprecise physical exam findings mostly because we either have to wait a long time or it’s just impractical to get a more definitive diagnostic ultrasound. But with this 3rd generation Clarius HD in hand, I can quickly rule-in and rule-out multiple diagnoses in my patients with shoulder pain, to laser focus treatment recommendations, while limiting potential harm from treatments that could exacerbate our patient’s discomfort.”

Dr. Oron Frenkel participated in this year’s Innovation Spotlight event, where we showcased the broad applications for the new Clarius HD3 line of wireless handheld ultrasound systems. Watch this four-minute video to see a demonstration of the Clarius L15 HD3 during a shoulder exam. You’ll also hear from Greg Fritz, a doctor of physiotherapy who explains how Clarius has changed his physiotherapy practice from good to great!

Advanced MSK Software Package

Available with the Clarius L7, Clarius L15, Clarius L20, and Clarius C3 HD3 wireless ultrasound scanners, the new Advanced MSK Package provides additional customizations to clearly examine joint spaces and MSK anatomy. You get dedicated one-click presets optimized for the shoulder, elbow, hand/wrist, foot/ankle, hip, spine and more! Save time and improve reporting with pre-labeled measurements. The Advanced MSK Package is included with your Clarius Membership or add it as an option if you choose the One-Time Purchase option. Learn more.

Book a Virtual Demo to Learn More About Clarius for MSK

Clarius offers several ultrasound scanners that are suitable for MSK applications. Learn more about which Clarius Handheld Ultrasound scanner is right for your practice. Contact us today or request an ultrasound demo for additional guidance.

Filed In Innovation Spotlight, Insights, News, Video
Specialties Covered: MSK

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Con tecnología de IA con ajustes preestablecidos especializados y flujos de trabajo personalizables, Clarius HD3 optimiza automáticamente las imágenes para brindar una experiencia de escaneo de ultrasonido superior. Con 7 escáneres, tenemos una solución de ultrasonido inalámbrica que es perfecta para usted. Reserve una demostración virtual con nuestros expertos para saber qué escáner puede ofrecer las mejores imágenes de ultrasonido para su consulta.