Clarius in the News: Burnaby Now


Clarius was recently on the front cover of our local community newspaper.  Following is an excerpt of the article written by Cornelia Naylor of the Burnaby Now.

Now that’s a selfie

After knowing him for only a few minutes, Clarius Mobile Health CEO Laurent Pelissier shows me parts of himself I never expected to see.

Using his Burnaby company’s new handheld C3 ultrasound scanner and his iPhone, the 45-year-old entrepreneurial electrical engineer lets me peer at his liver, one of his kidneys, his gall bladder and his diaphragm.

Slipping the ultrasound scanner under his shirt, Pelissier slides it around on his abdomen, and writhing black and white images appear on his cell phone in real time via the Clarius app.

“That’s my liver,” he says, zooming in and out with the phone’s touch screen much like you would a Facebook photo. “The grey is my liver and then the vessels are showing black because blood doesn’t reflect ultrasound … If I keep going you can see my kidney.”

Read the full article here.

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Demandez Une Démonstration

Propulsé par l’IA avec des préréglages spécialisés et des flux de travail personnalisables, Clarius HD3 optimise automatiquement l’imagerie pour offrir une expérience d’échographie supérieure. Avec 7 scanners, nous avons une solution d’échographie sans fil parfaite pour vous. Réservez une démonstration virtuelle avec nos experts pour savoir quel scanner peut fournir la meilleure imagerie échographique pour votre cabinet.