Podiatrists Report Reduced Waiting Times and More Focused Treatment From Using Ultrasound

A recent international study of podiatrists, published in the Journal of Foot and Ankle Research in May 2021, revealed that more podiatrists across the globe are adopting musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging in their practice. Ultrasound is used to help with diagnosis, to assess the severity, and to monitor the effects of treatment.

Additional benefits included an improvement in the patient journey due to „reduced waiting times and tighter treatment plans.“ The study also concluded that the ability for podiatrists to better inform patients of their diagnosis resulted in „improved engagement in treatment plans.“ Read the study for further details.

The results of this study were not surprising to our team as we’ve seen the growing adoption of Clarius ultrasound scanners among podiatrists. Read Dr. Michael Czurylo’s story to learn how he uses ultrasound to expedite treatment:

I use ultrasound to clearly see the pathology during the first visit so we can quickly move ahead with treatment. I like to prevent sending the patient to get another study – an MRI or a formal ultrasound. It saves them time and spares additional expense, especially if I can see how I can help them right away.”

Another benefit according to podiatrist Dr. James Ferrie is increased referrals. He uses the free Clarius Cloud exam management system to build reports that impress both patients and referring physicians alike:

From a medical-legal point of view, the reporting capability on the Clarius Cloud portal is fantastic and one of the Clarius system’s big advantages. I’m able to produce professional reports with my ultrasound findings to send to referring GPs and I find I’m getting many more musculoskeletal referrals as a result!”

In his webinar „5 Ways Ultrasound Adds Value to Your MSK Practice,“ Dr. Greg Fritz confirmed that showing his patients pathology – like a partial tear of the achilles tendon or plantar fasciitis – improved engagement in treatment. When Dr. Fritz shares ultrasound imaging with his patients, it gets them excited and committed to the right treatment plan, motivating his patients live never before.

Meet Clarius HD – AI Automated Handheld Ultrasound for Podiatry

The benefits of ultrasound for podiatry are clear. What’s more, getting detailed ultrasound images of musculoskeletal anatomy to make a confident diagnosis has never been easier or more affordable.

Ideal for MSK anatomy down to 7 cm, the Clarius L15 HD high frequency ultrasound scanner is available with an optional Advanced MSK Package for diagnostic and interventional procedures. Each advanced Preset, including Foot/Ankle and Plantar, instantly optimizes the settings so you’ll get a clear, detailed image without adjusting complicated with knobs and buttons.

To discuss adding Clarius HD to your podiatry or MSK practice, contact us today or request an ultrasound demo. We’re happy to help!

Or come by to see us at next week at APMA 2021 in Colorado for a live demonstration!

Filed In Classroom, Education, Insights, News
Specialties Covered: MSK, Podiatry

Buchen Sie eine Live Demonstration

Mit 7 Scannern und speziellen Voreinstellungen und Arbeitsabläufen haben wir eine kabellose Ultraschalllösung, die perfekt auf Ihre Anforderungen zugeschnitten ist . Sprechen Sie mit unseren Experten, um zu erfahren, welcher Scanner die besten Ultraschallbilder für ihre Praxis liefern kann.