[VIDEO] POCUS in a Pandemic, a presentation on the use of lung ultrasound

“It’s hard to believe that COVID-19 was only confirmed as a pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11th. Since then, lung ultrasound has come into prominence not just in the medical world but also in the mainstream world and the mainstream press,” Dan Kim, MD FRCPC

Dr. Dan Kim is an emergency physician from Vancouver who regularly uses point of care ultrasound in his practice.  He recently presented POCUS in a Pandemic, a presentation on the use of lung ultrasound on COVID-19 patients to the Australian Association of Ultrasound in Medicine. We asked Dr. Kim to record a presentation for those who were unable to attend.

Watch Pocus in a Pandemic to learn:

  1. A basic understanding and approach to lung ultrasound
  2. Typical lung ultrasound findings in COVID
  3. Appropriate infection control measures to prevent the ultrasound machine from becoming a possible vector for infection
  4. How to apply a lung ultrasound clinically in this current COVID pandemic
Filed In Education
Specialties Covered: Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, EMS

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