[VIDEO] Wireless Ultrasound for the Lean and Mobile Regional Anesthesiologist

With several high-end ultrasound systems at his disposal, Dr. Greg Hickman often uses the Clarius handheld ultrasound scanner for regional anesthesia.

We had the opportunity to ask him why during a video interview recorded at the Andrews Institute in Gulf Breeze, Florida where he has been perfecting ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia procedures since 2007.

Dr. Hickman is also co-founder of blockjocks.com, an online teaching platform about ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia. He has served on the Clarius Medical Advisory board since 2017 and was among the first to use our first- and second-generation handheld ultrasound scanners.

Watch this 3-minute video to see what Dr. Hickman has to say about using Clarius for regional anesthesia, which he says can be used for 70% of typical procedures. Or read on for highlights from his interview below.

Why do you think Clarius handheld ultrasound is suitable for anesthesiologists?

« In anesthesia, we have to move quickly sometimes, and you’ve got rooms turning over and moving and surgeons waiting on you. You have to be fast. You don’t have a lot of time to drag a big ultrasound around with you.

The best thing about the Clarius is it’s pretty simple and very mobile, so I can use it in different areas. I can go quickly to the operating room, do an intraarticular injection in the knee. Then I can go to the recovery room and do a quick superficial cervical plexus block if needed there. I can also take it with me to our physical therapy area for a follow-up after surgery. It’s very easy to hold. You can scan for a good long time and really not get tired because it’s so lightweight and compact.

For sports medicine, a physician can use it quickly on the football field or on the hockey rink or in the locker rooms. You can quickly evaluate a potential problem with one of your players and get your results immediately. »

What do you think about the image quality Clarius provides?

« For the cost, the size and the mobility, the quality is really very good. They’re continually updating and giving you better quality imaging. Clarius is great value for the money. You’re going to get a fantastic image for a $5,000 system. »

Why do you think a wireless ultrasound system is beneficial?

« It just makes it so handy not to be tethered to your probe with a wire. Being free to carry your probe and scan without wires is quite valuable. The ability to just hold the whole scanner in your hand and not having wires falling on the patient, going across their nose or eyes is a great advantage.

When you have the long cable and you’re using a long sleeve, it’s really easy to contaminate the wires. The Clarius probe is so easy to disinfect. You just wipe off the contact points and you’re done. The simplicity of cleaning and disinfecting is really nice. »

Would you recommend Clarius to a colleague?

« Yes, especially if they’re doing joint injections or simple blocks in a busy practice and they’re having to move from patient to patient, which almost all of us are. I’d highly recommend getting their hands on one just to have that ability to be mobile, lean and mean; to get around in different places when it’s harder to use a bigger machine. I just grab the iPad in one hand and the probe in the other hand and off I go, and that works great for me. »

Free Regional Anesthesia Webinar with Dr. Hickman!

In this practical webinar, Dr. Greg Hickman reveals his master tips by taking you around the hospital and sharing three real-life patient cases recently captured on video. An early adopter, pioneer, and educator in ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia, Dr. Hickman will help you hone your regional anesthesiology skills to make you more lean and mobile.  

About Clarius HD for Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia

Wireless, ultra-mobile and with high-definition imaging, Clarius is ideal for anesthesiologists who are on the move from one patient to another for regional nerve blocks and post-operative visits. Clarius ultrasound scanners deliver the clear imaging and power you expect from a traditional system for a small fraction of the cost.

Dr. Hickman uses the Clarius L15 HD, which provides detailed imaging down to 5cm for regional anesthesia procedures. Scanners for deeper and more superficial anatomy are also available. Contact us today to discuss which scanner is right for your anesthesia practice.

Filed In Insights, Reviews
Specialties Covered: anesthesiology

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