[VIDEO] Clarius Ultrasound Education for Obstetrics

The emergence of ultra portable handheld ultrasound systems with high-definition imaging is enabling more obstetricians to use point-of-care ultrasound at the bedside of expectant mothers as an extension of the physical examination.

The Clarius systems have been ideal for improving first visits with patients at seven to eight weeks of pregnancy,” says Dr. Shaunie Keys, MD, an obstetrician and gynecologist. “Rather than sending my patients to see a sonographer first, I like to do these first exams myself as it is a great opportunity to connect with patients and their spouses.”

Dr. Fred Ushakov, an expert in Fetal Medicine and Echocardiography credits ultrasound technology for the ability to detect fetal abnormalities early. He foresees a future where handheld ultrasound systems like Clarius will be the standard of care for all OB/GYN clinicians once the right training is in place for physicians and midwives. 

When I started working on ultrasound machines, they were huge and they didn’t have a lot of capabilities,” Dr. Ushakov recalls. “Now I can fit a whole ultrasound machine in my pocket and I have small pockets. I can walk to a patient and start scanning with Clarius and my phone in a minute.”

We recently co-hosted a one-hour webinar with Dr. Ushakov, which is now available to watch at your convenience.

On-Demand Webinar: Second Trimester Obstetric Scans

Dr. Fred Ushakov, MD

Second Trimester Obstetric Scans: Essential Point-of-Care Ultrasound Exams for Real-Time Answers

Dr. Ushakov teaches how to: 

  • Locate the placenta and fetal position in seconds
  • Confirm fetus viability and heart health
  • Take accurate BPD measurements and head circumference
  • Determine the level of amniotic fluid to indicate pathological circumstances

► Watch Now

Clarius Classroom: Video Tutorials for Obstetrics

A dozen Clarius Classroom videos are now available on our website and on the Clarius App, with more to come. Watch Dr. Fred Ushakov, Dr. Oron Frenkel, and sonographer Esther Donohue perform OB examinations using their Clarius HD scanners!

We’d love to hear from you! 

If you’re a Clarius customer, thank you! We welcome any feedback you have on our products or educational content. We would also be delighted to hear any of your ideas for more education or if you would like to partner with us on developing new content. Please email us at [email protected].

If you’re interested in joining our growing community of users, please visit our OB/GYN specialty page to learn more about which Clarius scanner is right for your practice. Or contact us today to book a one-on-one virtual demo with one of our ultrasound experts.

Filed In Classroom, Education
Specialties Covered: Womens Health

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Demandez Une Démonstration

Propulsé par l’IA avec des préréglages spécialisés et des flux de travail personnalisables, Clarius HD3 optimise automatiquement l’imagerie pour offrir une expérience d’échographie supérieure. Avec 7 scanners, nous avons une solution d’échographie sans fil parfaite pour vous. Réservez une démonstration virtuelle avec nos experts pour savoir quel scanner peut fournir la meilleure imagerie échographique pour votre cabinet.