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EMERGENCY POCUS: Techniques to Differentiate Causes of Dyspnea
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Emergency physician Dr. Oron Frenkel teaches point-of-care ultrasound essentials for assessing patients presenting with acute dyspnea.
In this one-hour webinar Dr. Frenkel demonstrates a step-by-step approach for performing a focused set of cardiac and lung ultrasounds to better assess your dyspneic patients. You’ll learn:
- A rapid-fire approach to interpret the parasternal long axis (PLAX) for maximal clinical benefit
- To incorporate the parasternal short axis (PSAX) and apical four chamber (A4CH) views for more precise diagnosis
- How to complete and interpret a comprehensive lung scan in under 30 seconds
- Adjunct use of IVC and leg vein scanning to confirm clinical hypotheses
- To differentiate etiology of dyspnea from cardiogenic versus pulmonary causes such as myocarditis, congestive heart failure, lobar pneumonia, viral respiratory infections, and more

Is your dyspneic patient suffering from congestive heart failure? COPD? Maybe a sub-massive pulmonary embolus? Point-of-care ultrasound is the fastest, cheapest, non-ionizing way to get rapid answers when seconds count.
Patients frequently present with shortness of breath. The differential diagnosis is broad and yet clinicians must rely on insensitive and nonspecific tools like the stethoscope and x-rays invented in prior centuries. Meanwhile, research accumulates that ultrasound can serve as the optimal differentiator for this nebulous presentation, delivering actionable findings within seconds for some of the sickest patients.
For many patients, differentiating between cardiac and pulmonary causes of dyspnea can be fraught with challenges. Not all wheezes are asthma! Thankfully, with some basic training, point-of-care ultrasound can promptly narrow down the differential diagnosis and identify many life-threatening causes of dyspnea.
In this webinar, Dr. Oron Frenkel demonstrates essential point-of-care ultrasound techniques for assessing patients presenting with acute dyspnea. Learn to identify which patients may be masquerading as viral respiratory infection when in fact they have myocarditis or congestive heart failure, or which patients with heart disease aren’t fluid overloaded but instead are harboring a lobar pneumonia that has yet to blossom.
Dr. Frenkel presents several cases to demonstrate how to increase diagnostic accuracy of your POCUS exams to better assess your dyspneic patients on your next shift.
Dr. Frenkel is be joined by your webinar host and sonographer Shelley Guenther, who performs live scanning using the Clarius PAL HD3 – the perfect tool for whole-body imaging. Shelley demonstrates how easy and effective it is to add best-in-class ultrasound imaging to the bedside. Don’t miss it!

Emergency Physician
Oron Frenkel, M.D., M.S.
Dr. Oron Frenkel completed his MS and MD simultaneously at the University of California Joint Medical Program in Berkeley and San Francisco, completing his residency in Emergency Medicine followed by a fellowship in Point-of-Care Ultrasound at Alameda County Medical Center in Oakland, California. He moved to British Columbia with the goal of increasing use of point-of-care ultrasound across the province, especially among rural practitioners. An avid educator, Dr. Frenkel is constantly evaluating the best teaching methods for disseminating this technology, how to measure competency in its practice, and its effects on outcomes for individual patients. Dr. Frenkel serves as Chairman of the Clarius Medical Advisory Board.

Sonographer, Clinical Manager
Shelley Guenther
Shelley Guenther worked as a Nuclear Medicine Technologist for 2 years before entering into the ultrasound program at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton. After graduating with specialties in general ultrasound as well as echocardiography, she worked as a clinical expert in the commercial world of ultrasound for over 25 years. As Clinical Marketing Manager at Clarius, Shelley Guenther is dedicated to providing the highest quality educational content for clinicians looking to add wireless ultrasound to their practice, including practical webinars and Clarius Classroom video tutorials.