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Practical Small Animal Ultrasound: Guiding Safe, Accurate Fine Needle Aspirations
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RACE-Approved: 1 CE/CPD Credit for on-demand
Watch Veterinary ultrasound educator Dr. Camilla Edwards, DVM, CertAVP, MRCVS, as she shows how to perform safe and accurate fine needle aspiration of abdominal organs.
In this 1-hour webinar, Dr. Edwards demonstrates when to use fine needle aspirates, discusses alternatives, and most importantly, teaches us how to ensure patient safety when performing ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirations. Participants will learn:
- Pro tips and helpful landmarks for ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirates
- How to use wireless ultrasound both on a phantom and real patients
- Image interpretation skills to avoid structures and plan the safest path
- Minimally invasive techniques for ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration to improve patient care on the first visit
Ultrasound-guided procedures, like fine needle aspiration of pathological lesions in the abdomen, are essential to enable definitive diagnoses in many cases. Participants will learn how to use high-resolution ultrasound to guide safe, efficient, and accurate fine needle aspirations. Dr. Edwards shares best practices for reducing repeat sampling, increasing diagnostic yield, and avoiding clinical complications, while providing the answers to make the right treatment decisions.
Using ultrasound scanning video footage captured with real patients as well as demonstrated on a phantom, Dr. Edwards shares step-by-step instructions for participants to hone their ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirate skills. You will learn how to choose the best route to a pathological lesion and what safety considerations need to be taken using the latest advancements in handheld wireless ultrasound.
Dr. Edwards shares clinical imaging to help participants advance their ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirate skills to more quickly and accurately diagnose pathologies in the abdomen. You’ll learn when to take fine needle aspirates, how to ensure they get the best possible samples, and how to ensure the safest procedure.
In veterinary medicine, ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirates are commonly used to aid diagnosis in small animals because it’s inexpensive, fast, easy to perform, and relatively safe. In this webinar, Dr. Edwards offers practical tips and protocols to improve ultrasound techniques to get a real-time, accurate diagnosis for effective first-visit treatment plans to get your patients back in action faster.
They are joined by your host and emergency physician Dr. Oron Frenkel and sonographer Shelley Guenther who showcases live scanning with the new Clarius C7 HD3 Vet! Don’t miss this educational webinar – register today to brush up on your practical point-of-care ultrasound skills!

Peripatetic Veterinary Ultrasonographer | Educator | First Opinion Veterinary Ultrasound
Dr. Camilla Edwards, DVM, CertAVP, MRCVS
Dr. Camilla Edwards, DVM, CertAVP, MRCVS, is passionate about first opinion level small animal veterinary ultrasound. She travels with her dog Pippi (a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever) within 50 miles of Cambridge as a peripatetic veterinary ultrasonographer, Camilla teaches ultrasound with Celtic SMR, Photon Surgical Systems and FOVU and has built a thriving Facebook community for First Opinion Small Animal Vets. Through her website,, she reviews ultrasound machines with general practice small animal vets in mind. Camilla qualified as a vet in 2006 and has worked all over East Anglia, UK. Camilla is experienced in emergency and critical care, having gained her CertAVP in 2018.

Emergency Physician
Oron Frenkel, M.D., M.S.
Dr. Oron Frenkel completed his MS and MD simultaneously at the University of California Joint Medical Program in Berkeley and San Francisco, completing his residency in Emergency Medicine followed by a fellowship in Point-of-Care Ultrasound at Alameda County Medical Center in Oakland, California. He moved to British Columbia with the goal of increasing use of point-of-care ultrasound across the province, especially among rural practitioners. An avid educator, Dr. Frenkel is constantly evaluating the best teaching methods for disseminating this technology, how to measure competency in its practice, and its effects on outcomes for individual patients. Dr. Frenkel serves as Chairman of the Clarius Medical Advisory Board.

Medical Sonographer
Shelley Guenther, CRGS, CRCS
Shelley Guenther worked as a Nuclear Medicine Technologist for 2 years before entering into the ultrasound program at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton. After graduating with specialties in general ultrasound as well as echocardiography, she worked as a clinical expert in the commercial world of ultrasound for over 25 years. As Clinical Manager at Clarius, Shelley Guenther is dedicated to providing the highest quality educational content for clinicians looking to add wireless ultrasound to their practice, including practical webinars and Clarius Classroom video tutorials.