James Ferrie is our first customer in Australia!

James Ferrie is our first customer in Australia. A musculoskeletal sports podiatrist and teacher, he splits his time between two practices. We had a chance to ask Mr. Ferrie about why he chose Clarius and here is what he had to say.

How did you hear about Clarius HD?
Back when the first-generation scanner was launched, I trialled the L7.  I was impressed with the image quality and the portability however the size of the probe made it difficult to scan specific parts of the foot and ankle ergonomically. I was always interested in what the next generation from Clarius would look like. I was excited to see the high-frequency of the L15HD with decreased weight and size as soon as it was available.

What type of ultrasound systems have you used?
A previous ultrasound was a GE venue 40 with a 13 – 4 MHz linear transducer and an 18 –8 MHz hockey stick.  With my role as an instructor at Zedu ultrasound training solutions, I’ve had the opportunity to use many point-of-care systems during teaching.

What do you like best about Clarius?
Currently, I work between two practices so the portability and image quality of the L15 HD made it an easy decision. One of the other factors for my purchase was the excellent cloud-based database, workflow and reporting functions with Clarius. An efficient workflow is essential both from the time-efficient point of view and also accurate documentation for medicolegal purposes.

As a podiatrist, how do you use ultrasound in your practice?
I’ve have used diagnostic ultrasound in practice for the past five years. It has become an invaluable tool, both diagnostically and interventional. A comprehensive clinical assessment is still essential. However, the use of point-of-care diagnostic ultrasound during a clinical examination adds a sixth sense, the ability to see below the skin in addition to palpation alone.

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Filed In Insights, Reviews
Specialties Covered: MSK

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Powered by AI with specialized presets and customizable workflows, Clarius HD3 automatically optimizes imaging to deliver a superior ultrasound scanning experience. With 8 scanners, we have a wireless ultrasound solution that’s perfect for you. Book a virtual demo with our experts to learn which scanner can deliver the best ultrasound imaging for your practice.

⚠️ Clarius ultrasound is for medical professionals only.

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