The new T-Mode is […] particularly good in the temple anatomy because there’s 10 layers of the temple and it’s very difficult for people to understand that. But with the T-Mode, you throw it on the temple and you automatically see the layers, it even labels them for you. It’s also great for lips and cheeks. So, it’s a great learning tool.”

Pat Pazmiño
Clarius has done an incredible job with the T-mode, which helps with education because for the first time in real time, you can actually see a color-coded image of what you’re looking at on the screen. I have used the T-mode in training, and it really is eye-opening for the doctors because when they see it, it clicks. They finally understand what is on the other image, which can look like a TV full of static. But the T-mode really helps identify the anatomy and it really puts surgeons at ease.”

Dr. Alexis Delobaux
For me, it’s really amazing. To have ultrasound in your pocket, it’s like gold for us, because you have all the technology with great quality of images. It’s really light. It’s cheap compared to classical machines. The quality is great. You can record the images, send them to your Cloud. So, for us, it’s like a revolution.”

Pat Pazmiño
Ultrasound allows the surgeon to be able to fine tune the procedure. For the first time, we can now see where every single drop of fat graft is going to go. And this gives us unparalleled control in the way that we shape and the way that we sculpt our patients. I think it’s an exciting time for surgeons to give them a tool that will help prove that they performed the procedure safely and the same tool can make them an efficient and better sculptor.”
Amanda Leyva
Miami is the center for plastic surgery and the BBL or plastic surgery in general is just a dime a dozen down here. So, there were lots of choices and a lot of doctors who had produced beautiful results; I found Dr. Pazmiño, and he was definitely different. I was really excited to meet with him in person for a consult as most plastic surgeons in the area just want you to send in photos and then you go in for surgery before you’ve met them. We talked about the procedure and about how he does it a little bit differently with the ultrasound technology that it makes it so much safer. I told my husband that this is the only doctor I would consider. Knowing that Dr. Pazmiño uses ultrasound gave me the confidence that I would be ok.”

Steven F. Weiner
Not everyone wants to enter the market at a $30,000 price range before they even use ultrasound. So, I suggest that they enter the market using a Clarius. I get great resolution. I can see all the fillers I need to see, as well as the vascular structures.”
Sandra Woods
I had extreme swelling underneath my eyes as a result of filler that I received approximately 10 years ago and my eyes were very, very swollen. I’m very cheeky and for a long time I attributed the swelling to weight gain. Dr. Weiner was able to perform an ultrasound exam and he could see the filler. It was just amazing to actually see it. He could show me where the filler was and it was amazing to see that it had been there that long. He knew exactly where to place the injections as a result of the ultrasound to help dissolve them. So, that gave me a lot of confidence. I would highly recommend Dr. Weiner. He is very, very talented and a credit to his profession.”

Marc Salzman
I don’t know how you do a practice like mine without it. I just did two tummy tucks today and a breast case. The two tummy tucks had TAP blocks; the breast case had, what I call, a lap block or a lateral approach pectoralis block. And the patients are so appreciative, because they’re out of here now in an hour and a half for a tummy tuck. They used to stay for four hours in our recovery room, because they were in pain. For a breast case, they’re out in 15 minutes. It has revolutionized pain control!”

Kimberly Pendergrass
Ultrasound is the best way to actually see a picture to see exactly what’s going on,” Kimberly says. “I’m not going to know without that ultrasound that I had a crack or a rupture or anything like that, and I can’t tell just from a touch. I trust that Dr. Salzman knows what he’s looking at and he’s going to take excellent care of me.”

Dr. Ines Verner
It’s a breakthrough in the field. We’ve learned quite a lot in recent years about the anatomy of the face, of the neck, also of the body and we’re doing more and more aesthetic treatments. And we’ve been doing them blindly. So, we inject blindly nearly all the time. And I think that once we have the ultrasound, we can inject knowing where we’re going and also not to inject where we don’t want to inject. It’s a game-changer for the industry.”