TPC is a community hospital near Moshi, Tanzania. There is no CT scanner and it can be 40 mins – one hour of a drive to the nearest facility with CT capability. 12 physicians successfully participated in skills-based, systematic introductory ultrasound course at TPC hospital that facilitated their ability to detect pathology such as peritoneal free fluid in trauma and pericardial effusions. During one day of training, two busses collided with 80 passengers involved. The course participants were able to put their new skill set to work immediately to diagnose and rule out internal injuries that would not have been possible to visualize in a timely manner without portable ultrasound.
Dr. James Edward
The course participants were able to put their new skill set to work immediately to diagnose and rule out internal injuries that would not have been possible to visualize in a timely manner without portable ultrasound.

Dr. James Edward
EM Global