Clarius in the News: Entrepreneur Magazine

Clarius was recently featured in Entrepreneur Magazine.

The article written by Ayodeji Onibalusi, discusses the uncertainty in healthcare, the rising costs, and the emerging mobile healthcare technologies that are helping to solve real problems.

Below is an excerpt from the article which features a interview from our Chief Strategy Officer Dave Willis:

“In the past, the challenging logistics and exorbitant cost made it difficult for hospitals to purchase multiple ultrasound machines. The medical device industry responded to those pain points by creating mobile versions that are truly detailed and accurate, enabling practitioners to use the technology easier and more effectively,” said Dave Willis.

The reason mobile healthcare technologies are so revolutionary is because they are easier to deploy and they make critical health care evaluations more affordable. Much like mobile smartphones revolutionized the computing world, mobile medical devices are changing the way the industry delivers care.

Willis explains how mobile health solutions will continue to evolve, “The current mobile healthcare devices are just the beginning. We can expect an increase in the number of devices that leverage miniaturized, mobile, and smart technologies that function with extreme accuracy to improve access and reduce costs.”

The companies that capitalize on this growing demand for mobile solutions will likely see incredible growth. More importantly, it will be much easier for patients to receive treatment.

While the industry struggles to find solutions for funding and insurance, these innovators are creating solutions that will inevitably improve the quality and reduce the cost of care for patients.

Willis shares, “Innovation in healthcare technology, particularly on the mobile front, are helping medical professionals reduce the cost of care, both for the patient and the hospital. As the industry continues to adopt these technologies, it will be able to fulfill previously unmet patient needs.”

Read the full article here.

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Powered by AI with specialized presets and customizable workflows, Clarius HD3 automatically optimizes imaging to deliver a superior ultrasound scanning experience. With 8 scanners, we have a wireless ultrasound solution that’s perfect for you. Book a virtual demo with our experts to learn which scanner can deliver the best ultrasound imaging for your practice.

⚠️ Clarius ultrasound is for medical professionals only.

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